최근 이스라엘과 팔레스타인간의 분쟁이 극에 달하고

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이스라엘과 팔레스타인은 계속해서 영토분쟁을 겪고 있었습니다

그 가운데에서 이스라엘 대법원이 팔레스타인 사람들을 전략중심지인 Sheikh Jarrah 라는 도시에서 내보내려함과

우파 젊은이들의 1967년에 예루살렘을 되찾은것을 기념하기 위한 행진을 함으로 인해

팔레스타인이 화가 났고 그 과정에서 충돌이 일어났습니다


이스라엘 경찰은 섬광탄, 최루가스, 스폰지 총알을 사용해 팔레스타인 사람들을 저지했고

그 가운데 수백명의 팔레스타인사람들이 다쳤고 20명의 이스라엘 경찰이 다쳤습니다

이러한 사건은 상황을 더욱 악화시켰고

Hamas가 이스라엘을 향해 수백발의 미사일을 발사했습니다

이스라엘 역시 가만히 있지 않고 대응 사격을 하였고

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이스라엘을 향해 미사일이 날라오는 상황에서 이스라엘은 자신의 나라를 지킬 권리가 있다는

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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: What’s Happening and Why Are They Fighting?

The confrontation, sparked by tensions old and new, threatens to deepen the region’s turmoil and force the U.S. to shift attention to the Middle East.


Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: What's Happening and Why Are They Fighting? by Felicia Schwartz
단어 예문
escalate into ~으로 악화되다[확대하다] Clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police in the contested city of Jerusalem have escalated into a broader conflict.
escalation (군사) 분쟁확대 Some 200 people have been killed in Gaza since the escalation began.
confrontation n. 대치, 대립 The confrontation threatens to deepen the region's turmoil.
deepen v. 깊어지다; 악화되다  
turmoil n. 혼란, 소란  
full-blown adj. 완전히 진행된; ~의 모든 특성을 갖춘 A full-blown war could force the U.S. to shift attention to the Middle East when it has been focused on Russia, China and battling the coronavirus.
shift to ~로 옮기다  
primer n. 기본 지침서, 입문서 Here's a quick primer on what is going on.
communal violence 공동체 간의 분쟁 Israel is experiencing its worst communal violence in years.
loom v. 곧 닥칠 것처럼 보이다; 어렴풋이 보이다  Tensions rose sharply over a looming Israeli Supreme Court decision on whether to uphold the eviction of Palestinian families from their homes in the strategically situated Sheikh Jarrah.
uphold v. 유지시키다, 옹호하다; 확인하다, 인정하다   
eviction n. 축출, 쫓아냄; 되찾음  
flash grenade n. 섬광탄 Police using flash grenades, tear gas and sponge-tipped bullets.
tear gas    
compound n. 구내 The compound where the mosque is located has become a focal point of Palestinian anger over what they see as years of efforts to push them out of Jerusalem.
infringe v. 위반하다; 제한하다 Infringing on their basic rights.
right-wing adj. 우익[우파/보수파]의 Right-wing Israeli efforts to assert control in East Jerusalem have inflamed the situation.
inflamed adj. 흥분한, 격양된; 염증이 생긴  
commemorate v. 기념하다 Tensions were especially high as young right-wing Israelis participated in marches associated with Jerusalem day, meant to commemorate Israel's capture of East Jerusalem in 1967.
sectarian adj. 종파의  
mass v. 운집하다, adj. 대량의, n. 덩어리; 무리; 많은 Israel's military has massed 3,000 to 4,000 troops on the border with Gaza, along with tanks and artillery.
artillery n. 대포; 포병대  
Hamas n. 하마스 (이슬람교 원리주의를 신봉하는 팔레스타인의 반이스라엘 과격 단체) Hamas began firing rockets toward Israel after the militant group issued an ultimatum to Israeli police forces to leave the Al Aqsa
ultimatum n. 최후통첩  
contested adj. 경쟁의; 다툼의  
cross-boarder adj. 국격을 넘는 The cross-border clashes are the worst since the 2014 Gaza war.
red line adj. 꼭 지켜야 할, n. 불화나 협상 시 한쪽 당사자가 양보하지 않으려는 쟁점이나 요구 Some of the first rockets were aimed at Jerusalem, which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said was a red line.
aerial adj. 항공기에 의한, n. 안태나 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have launched thousands of rockets toward Israel, which has responded with aerial and artillery attacks.
operative n. 정보원, 첩보원 Israel says it has killed dozens of operatives of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad
de facto adj. (법적으로는 받아들여지지지 않더라도) 사실상의[실질적인] Hamas, the de facto ruler of the Gaza Strip since it seized control in 2007.
jurisdiction n. 관할 구역; 관할권, 사법권 Under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority.
buffer zone 완충 지대  
land-based adj. 지상의 Israel’s land-based Iron Dome missile-defense system intercepts short-range rockets and has become a bedrock of the country’s defense
intercept v. 가로막다  
bedrock n. 기반  
hostilities 적대행위, 적에 대한 가해행위 In the current round of hostilities, Israel’s military said the system has intercepted 90% of the myriad rockets fired toward Israel. 
myriad n. 무수히 많음, 무수함  
Secretary of State n. 국무장관 Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he was dispatching Hady Amr to Israel to try to encourage mediation efforts as the fighting intensifies.
dispatch v. 보내다, 파견하다, n. 파견, 발송  
mediation n. 조정, 중재; 화해; 매개  

Schwartz, Felicia (2021, May 17). Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: What's Happening and Why Are They Fighting?, Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/israeli-palestinian-conflict-gaza-11620825247. 

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