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주말동안 사망자가 더 발생해 9명으로 늘었고
152명이 아직도 실종상태로 남아있답니다
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정확한 원인을 파악하기 위해 오클라호마 태러와 9/11 팬타곤 태러때 자문으로 일했던
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“Buildings talk to you if you know how to listen to them,”
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Miami-Area Condo Collapse Death Toll Increases to Nine
As the search for survivors enters its fifth day, officials in Surfside, Fla., pressed ahead with efforts to investigate the cause of the collapse and assess the safety of nearby buildings. More than 150 people remain unaccounted for.
Miami-Area Condo Collapse Death Toll Increases to Nine by Arian Campo-Flores and Daniela Hernandez | ||
단어 | 뜻 | 예문 |
death toll | n. (사고, 전쟁, 재난 등에 의한) 사망자수 | The death toll from the Miami-area condo tower collapse rose to nine as the search for survivors reached its fourth day. |
retrieved | v. 수습하다, 개선하다; 되찾아오다, 회수하다 | Emergency crews retrieved four additional bodies and human remains from the site of Champlain Towers South since Sateruday night. |
unaccounted for | adj. 행방불명의; 해명되지 않은 | Bringing the total number of people unaccounted for to 152. |
debris | n. (무엇이 파괴된 후의) 잔해; 쓰레기 | Six to eight squads were combing through the debris pile at any given time. |
sonar | n. 음파 탐지기 | The employed rescue dogs, cameras and sonar to try to find pockets of space and potential survivors. |
work around the clock | 쉬지 않고 일하다 | We've been working around the clock. |
trench | n. 참호; 도랑 | Crews have been cutting a trench…to gain access to the depths of the rubble. |
rubble | n. (허물어진 건물의) 돌무더기[잔해] | |
density | n. 밀도 | The density of the pancaked building, compressed into a massive mound with countless layers, can appear impenetrable. |
mound | n. 돌더미, 흑더미, 언덕; 더미, 무더기 | |
impenetrable | adj. 들어갈 수 없는, 눈앞이 안 보이는; 불가해한 | |
parishioner | n. 교구 주민 | A parishioner led a rosary recitation in Spanish preceding Sunday Mass. |
rosary | n. (로마 카톨릭교의) 묵주 | |
recitation | n. 암송, 낭독, 낭송 | |
makeshift | adj. 임시변통의 | A makeshift memorial erected on a fence near the collapsed tower bore flowers, photos of those who wwere missing. |
spalling | n. 스폴링, 균열 | Concrete spalling, rebar deterioration - these are not unusual events when you have buildings exposed to corrosive conditions. |
rebar | n. 콘크리트 보강용 강철봉 | |
deterioration | 악화, 저하; 퇴보 | |
corrosive | adj. 부식을 일으키는, 부식성의 | |
earmark | v. 배정하다, 결정하다, 예정하다, n. (전형적인) 특징 | About $2.8 million of the estimated reparis were earmarked for waterproofing, new pavers and planter landscaping. |
pavers | n. 포장기계 | |
alleged | adj. (증거 없이) 주장된; ~이라고들 말하는 | The 2018 engineering report citing the alleged design error. |
exponentially | adv. 기하급수적으로 | In the near future will cause the extent of the concrete deterioration to expand exponentially. |
jurisdiction | n. 관할권 | But there wasn't much more he could do since the building was in a different jurisdiction. |
replenishment | n. 보충, 보급 | Residents were also contending with a beach replenishment project led by the U.S. Army Coprs of Engineers. |
Campo-Flores, Arian and Hernandez, Daniela (2021, June 27). Miami-Area Condo Collapse Death Toll Increases to Nine, The Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/miami-area-condo-collapse-search-effort-enters-fourth-day-11624806358.