아버지 뒤를 이어 미국 뉴욕 주지사가 되었던 Andrew Cumo가 최근 성희롱 문제로 인해 사임했습니다
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'The best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to governing - and therefore, that's what I'll do.'
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo
Andrew Cuomo Resigns as New York’s Governor Following Sexual-Harassment Claims
The governor will step down in 14 days over claims of inappropriate behavior, capping months of speculation over the politician who was hailed for his leadership early on in the pandemic.
Scandal Drives Cuomo to Quit by Jimmy Vielkind, Deanna Paul, and Corinne Ramey | ||
단어 | 뜻 | 예문 |
sexual harassment | n. 성희롱 | New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigned Tuesday after sexual-harassment allegations. |
allegation | n. 혐의 | |
impeachment | n. 탄핵; 비난; 고소, 고발 | A fast-moving impeachment effort left him facing pressure to step down from even those closest to him. |
hostile | adj. 적대적인 | Created a hostile work environment. |
retaliate | v. 보복하다, 앙갚음하다 | Retaliated against at least one former employee. |
successor | n. 후임자, 계승자 | His successor, Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, also a Democrat, will be the first woman to serve as governor of New York. |
defiant | adj. (공개적으로) 반항[저항]하는 | He struck a defiant tone at the start of his remarks Tuesday. |
grope | v. (손으로) 더듬다; n. (상대방의)몸을 더듬기 | The report's most serious allegations, including one that he had groped a staffer, had no factual basis. |
staffer | n. (큰 기관의 한) 직원 | |
alienate | v. (사람을) 소원하게 만들다; 소외감을 느끼게 하다 | His aggressive and at times bullying leadership style had alienated others in his party. |
moot | adj. (가능성이 적으므로) 고려할 가치가 없는, v. (의견 등을) 제기하다 | If Mr. Cuomo were out of office, the impeachment effort would be moot. |
tenure | n. (특히 정계 요직의) 재임 기간, 재임 | Ms. Hochul wasn't involved in most senior staff meetings during Mr. Cuomo's tenure. |
herald | v. 알리다, 발표하다; 예고하다 | Herald new policies and emcee events. |
emcee | n. 사회자; 엠시[진행자] | |
aide | n. 보좌관 | His top aide, Melissa DeRosa, said on Sunday evening that she was resigning. |
lieutenant governor | n. 부지사 | |
prominence | n. 명성 | Mr. Cuomo gained prominence last year for his response to the coronavirus pandemic. |
rehabilitate | v. 복원시키다, 회복시키다 | He pushed to rehabilitate the Pennsylvania Station rail complex in Manhattan. The pandemic brought détente between the governor and the state Legislature. |
detente | n. 긴장 완화 | |
state Legislature | 주의회 | |
grapple | v. 붙잡고 싸우다; (해결책을 찾아) 고심하다 | While infection rates have declined, the state has grappled with the eonomic effects of the pandemic. |
Vielkind, Jimmy, Deanna Paul, and Corinne Ramey. (2021, August 10). Scandal Drives Cuomo to Quit, The Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/andrew-cuomo-resigns-as-new-yorks-governor-11628611790.