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에너지 장관 Jennifer Granholm 은 사람들에게 진정하라고 말하며
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$3 를 향해가고 있습니다
그럼 기사를 보며 자세히 상황을 살펴볼까요?
Gas Lines Grow on East Coast as Fuel Pipeline Remains Shut by Collin Eaton, Amrith Ramkumar, and Valerie Bauerlein | ||
단어 | 뜻 | 예문 |
pile into | 난입하다, 쇄도하다; 맹공격하다; 계속먹다 | Drivers along parts of the East Coast piled into gas stations on Tuesday. |
shortage | n. 부족 | Resulting in long lines and shortages as motorists reacted to what could be a weeklong shutdown of the nation's largest fuel pipeline. |
conduit | n. 도관, 전선관; 전달자 | Operator of a 5,500-mile conduit for gasoline, diesel and refined products. |
refined | adj. 정제된, 제련된; (사람이) 세련된, 고상한 | |
worrisome | adj. 걱정스럽게 만드는, 걱정스러운 | The shutdown is particularly worrisome for Southeastern states. |
afflicting | adj. 비참한, 고통스러운 | Shortages in the area were also afflicting gas-station owners. |
replenish | v. (원래처럼) 다시 채우다, 보충하다 | |
plunge | v. 급락하다; 마구 요동치다; 거꾸러지다, n. 급락 | Plunging gasoline sales also mean fewer customers in the stations' stores buying drinks and snacks. |
compile | v. (여러 출저에서 자료를 따와) 엮다, 편집하다 | Compiles the data when drivers report such outages. |
outage | n. 정전; 단수; 정지 | |
intermittently | adv. 간헐적으로 | Experiencing low levels of diesel and gasoline intermittently. |
spokeswoman | n. 여성 대변인 | |
hauling | n. 운반 | The company is learning on its fuel trading and hauling affiliates to deliver supplies across the region. |
affiliate | n. 계열회사, v. 제휴하다; 가입하다, 연계되다 | |
press conference | 기자회견 | Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said at a Tuesday press conference. |
urge | v. 충고하다, 설득하다; 강력히 권고하다; 제촉하다 | She urged consumers not to panic-buy fuel. |
disruption | n. 붕괴; 중단; 혼란 | The disruptions come with the average U.S. price of regular unleaded gasoline already approaching $3 a gallon. |
unleaded | adj. 무연의 | |
vulnerable | adj. 취약한, 연약한 | The Southeast is particularly vulnerable because it has fewer refineries and pipelines to deliver fuel. |
refinery | n. 정제공장, 정유공장 | |
ripple through | ~사이에 (물결이 퍼지듯이) 확산되다, 퍼지다 | The pipeline shutdown is also rippling through the aviation industry. |
aviation | n. 항공 | |
long-haul | adj. 장거리의 | Long-haul flight routes. |
supplement | n. 보충; 추가; 증보판, v. 보충하다, 추가하다 | Southwest Airlines Co. is bringing additional fuel to Nashville International Airport to supplement local supplies. |
nozzle | n. 분사구; 주유기 | It all shut down as soon as I put the nozzle back on the pump. |
executive order | 행정명령 | Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed an executive order temporarily suspending the state's gas tax. |
state of emergency | 비상 사태, 긴급 사태 | Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam declared a state of emergency. |
emergency waiver | 비상 면제 시스템 | The Environmental Protection Agency issued an emergency waiver to ease some requirements for reformulated gasoline in the next week. |
reformulated gasoline | 성분 배합 변경 휘발류 (대기 오염원인 배기가스를 줄이기 위해 구성 성분을 바꾼 휘발류) |
Eaton, Collin, Amrith Ramkumar, and Valerie Bauerlein (2021, May 11). Pipeline Shutdown Has East Coast Drivers Making a Run on Gas, Wall Street Journal. www.wsj.com/articles/east-coast-drivers-make-run-on-gas-stations-following-colonial-pipeline-shutdown-11620748473.
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