코로나 바이러스로 인해 2020년 전세계가 큰 타격을 받았고
2021년 현재도 계속해서 영향을 끼치고 있는대요
Covid-19으로 인해 영향을 받은 분야중 하나가
미국의 평균수명 수치랍니다
2020년에 심장병과 암 다음으로 3번째로 만은 사망자를 만들어낸 코로나로 인해
2019년 평균수명이 78.8 이었던것에 비해 2020년에는 77.8 로 떨어졌답니다
코로나로 인해서 정규검진을 받아야 하는 환자들이 검진을 받으러 외출하는것에 제약을 받았고
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워낙 큰 전염병이었기에 이후로도 쭉 영향을 끼칠것이라는
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그럼 오늘의 기사를 함께 살펴보겠습니다
Covid-19 Disrupts Years of Health Progress in U.S.
Deaths from infections in 2020 ranked the highest they have been in decades, exposing and exacerbating health inequities.
Covid-19 Disrupts Years of Health Progress in US. by Jon Kamp, Brianna Abbott, and Kara Dapena | ||
단어 | 뜻 | 예문 |
extraordinary | adj.기이한, 놀라운; 보기드문, 대단한; 임시의 | Deaths from the Covid-19 pandemic are causing an extraordinary jolt in the U.S. |
jolt | v. 충격을 주다; 갑자기 거칠게 움직이다 | |
inflate | v. 부풀리다; 올리다 | Inflating the nation's death rate to the highest level seen in nearly two decades. |
snap back | 빨리 회복하다; 튀어 돌아오다; 말대꾸하다 | Whether the U.S. will quickly snap back to pre-pandemic levels. |
pandemic | n. 전국[전 세계]적인 유행병 | |
inequity | n. 불공평 | Health inequities exacerbated by the pandemic. |
exacerbate | v. 악화시키다 | |
lingering effect | n. 지체효과, 링거링 효과 (이미 해결된 일이 후에도 영향을 끼치는 것) | I imagine there will be lingering effects after 2021 just because this has taken such a toll on people's health. |
take a toll on | ~에 피해를 가져오다 | |
age-adjusted mortality | 연령 보정 사망률 | The U.S.'s age-adjusted mortality rate shot up by about 16% in 2020 from the year before. |
provisional | adj. 임시의, 일시적인; 잠정적인 | According to provisional data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, marking the highest point since 2003. |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | 질병 관리 본부; 질병 통제 예방센터 | |
streak | n. 연속; 줄 가닥, v. 기다란 자국을 내다; 전속력으로 가다 | This also broke a 90-year streak in which the yearly death rate was always lower than it was 10 years earlier. |
take into account | ~을 고려하다 | Taking into account the age distribution of the population. |
distribution | n. 분포; 분배; 배급; 유통 | |
surge | v. 급증하다; 휩싸다; 밀려들다 | 2020's death-rate surge was the biggest since the 1920s. |
fluctuation | n. 변동; 파동; 동요; 흥망 | When disease outbreaks often caused fluctuations, and the devastating 1918 flu pandemic before then. |
devastating | adj. 대단히 파괴적인, 엄청난 손상을 가하는; 굉장한, 인상적인 | |
communicable disease | n. 전염병 | A communicable disease became the third-leading cause of death in 2020, trailing only heart disease and cancer. |
trail | v. 지고있다; 뒤처지다 | |
abrupt | adj. 돌연한, 감작스러운; 퉁명스러운 | Marking abrupt changes to patterns of how long people live and how they die. |
tamp down | 누르다; 억압하다 | Covid-19 vaccines are already tamping down U.S. infections and promise to restore some normalcy. |
infection | n. 전염병; 감염 | |
normalcy | n. (경제,정치,사회 상태 따위가) 정상임, 상태 | |
cast a long shadow | 긴 그림자를 드리우다; 큰 영향력을 미치다 | Covid-19 may also cast a long shadow. |
baseline | n. 기준치 | There's no guarantee we get back to our baseline rates. |
interim | adj. 임시의; 중간의; 잠정적인 | Interim director |
life expectancy | 평균수명 | As more people died during the pandemic, life expectancy fell. |
influenza | n. 유행성 감기; 인플루엔자; (경제적인) 유행 | Influenza, pneumonia and tuberculosis often ranking among the top causes of death |
pneumonia | n. 폐렴 | |
tuberculosis | n. 결핵 | |
hygiene | n. 위생 | Improved hygiene and sanitation, treatments such as antibiotics and the widespread use of vaccines eventually drove down infections and deaths |
sanitation | n. 위생시설 | |
antibiotics | n. 항생물질 | |
chronic condition | 만성질환 | The focus started to shift to more chronic conditions such as heart disease and cancer. |
stagnate | v. 침체되다, 부진해지다; 고이다, 썩다 | Though it had stagnated in recent pre-pandemic years due to stalled progress against heart disease. |
stalled | adj. 정지된; 오도가도 못하는 | |
impede | v. 지연시키다; 방해하다 | Uneven access to care in the U.S. also impedes progress. |
inflame | v. 악화시키다; 흥분시키다 | Widened health inequities that Covid-19 inflamed beyond the pandemic. |
compromise | v. ~을 위태롭게하다; 타협하다; 굽히다 | Covid-19 could compromise the health of some survivors of infections enough to ultimately shorten their lives. |
pervasive | adj. 만연하는; 스며드는 | Many people have experienced pervasive and sometimes debilitating symptoms months after their initial infections. |
debilitating | adj. 쇠약하게 하는 | |
epidemiologist | n. 유행병학자; 전염병학자 | Epidemiologists also expect the virus to continue to circulate in the U.S. and cause some degree of cases and deaths, even after the immediate crisis. |
Kamp, Jon, Brianna Abbott, and Kara Dapena (2021, May 20). Covid-19 Disrupts Years of Health Progress in U.S., Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/covid-19-disrupts-years-of-health-progress-in-u-s-11621522803