매년 5월 마지막 주 월요일은 미국의 공휴일 Memorial Day 입니다

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Biden Calls for Defense of Democracy in U.S. and World on Memorial Day

The president’s remarks come after he called Republican-backed voting restrictions in Texas and other states “an assault on democracy.”



Biden Calls for Defense of Democracy in U.S. and World on Memorial Day by Ken Thomas
단어 예문
line of duty 직무, 직책 President Biden honored American military service members who died in the line of duty.
call for ~을 요구하다, ~을 필요로하다; ~을 큰 소리로 부르다; ~을 가지러 가다 Call for a defense of democracy in the U.S. and around the globe.
democracy n. 민주주의 Democracy must be defended at all costs.
amphitheater n. 원형 극장; 계단식 관람석; 계단실 강당 Mr. Biden said Monday at an amphitheater in Arlington National Cemetery.
impede v. 지연시키다; 방해하다 Texas Democrats walked out of the state House on Sunday to impede passage of a measure with voting restrictions.
wreath-laying ceremony 헌화식 Speaking after a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
animated adj,  활기찬, 활발한 The nation's soul was animated by the perennial battle between our worst instincts.
perennial adj. 지속되는, 영원한; 계속 반복되는  
instinct n. 본능, 타고난 소질; 직감  
peril n. (심각한) 위험; 위험성, 유해함 Democracy itself is in peril here at home and around the world.
summit n. 정상회담 Mr. Biden will hold a summit in Switzerland with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Defense Secretary 국방장관  

Thomas, Ken (2021, May 31). Biden Calls for Defense of Democracy in U.S. and World on Memorial Day, Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-calls-for-defense-of-democracy-in-u-s-and-world-on-memorial-day-11622487154.


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