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French President Emmanuel Macron Appears to Get Slapped in Video

Two men were immediately detained by police, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry says, as tensions build ahead of next year’s presidential election.


French President Emmanuel Macron Appears to Get Slapped in Video by Noemie Bisserbe
단어 예문
in a sign of ~의 징조로, ~의 조짐으로, ~의 표시로, ~의 흔적으로 In a sign of how tensions are building ahead of next year's presidential election.
presidential election 대통령선거  
lean in  기울이다; 기울다 Mr. Macron leans in for a greeting.
jerk v. 홱 움직이다, n. 획 움직임 Causing the president's head to jerk to one side.
intervene v. 개입하다; 끼어들다; 생기다; 존재하다 Mr. Macron's security service quickly intervened.
detain v. 구금하다; 붙들다 Two men were immediately detained by police.
battle cry n. (정치적) 슬로건; (전쟁터에서의) 함성 "Montjoie Saint-Denis" is a royal battle cry that dates back to the 11th or 12th century.
far-right adj. 극우의, 극단적으로 보수적인 It is still used in France as a motto by some far-right groups.
play down 경시하다; 작게 취급하다; ~을 폄하하다 Mr. Macron played down the incident in an interview with regional newspaper.
ultraviolent adj. 극도로 난폭한 Let's not allow ultraviolent individuals to take control of public debate. They don't deserve it.
deserve v. ~을 받을 만하다; ~을 누릴 자격이 있다; ~을 당해야 마땅하다  
accost v. 다가가 말을 걸다 The French public has a long history of accosting politicians, dousing them with flour or eggs.
douse v. 끼얹다, 뿌리다; 물 속에 처박다  
seize on 이용하다, 내것으로 만들다; 붙잡다, 포착하다 However, voices across the political spectrum seized on Tuesday's slapping incident to warn that the national mood had taken a dark turn.
impulse n. 충동; 충격; 자극 Are you now beginning to understand how violent people are acting on impulse?
solidarity n. 연대, 결속 Adding that he felt solidarity with the president.
reprehensible adj. (도덕적으로) 부끄러운, 비난받을 만한 This behavior is unacceptable and is deeply, deeply reprehensible in a democracy.
rail against ~을 욕하다 Ms. Le Pen and others of her party have railed against Mr. Macron, accusing him on being soft on crime, immigration, terrorism and radical strains of Islam.
strain n 특징, 기질, 경향; 부담; 압력  
eradication n. 근절, 박멸; 소거 The generals demanded the eradication of what they consider threats to France's national identity.
antiracism n. 인종 차별 반대주의 Ranging from the antiracism movement, which the letter said seek to erase French history, to Islamism and the hordes of the banlieues.
horde n. 무리  
banlieue n. 교외, 시외; 교외 주택 지구  
imminent adj. 금방이라도 닥칠 듯한, 목전의, 임박한 Warning about imminent civil war in France.
maneuver n. 책략, 술책, 공작, 책동, 교묘한 조작; 작전 행동 The French government said both letters were a political maneuver by far-right forces.
recent poll conducted 최근 실시된 설문조사/여론조사 A recent poll conducted by Harris Interactive showed Ms. Le Pen garnering 46% of the vote in a runoff with Mr. Macron compared with the incumbent's 54%
garner v. (정보, 지지 등을) 얻다, 모으다  
runoff n. 결선 투표; 지표수; 2차투표; 결승전; 유출 액체  
incumbent n. 재임자, adj. 재임 중인; 필요한  

Bisserbe, Noemie (2021, June 8). French President Emmanuel Macron Appears to Get Slapped in Video, The Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/french-president-emmanuel-macron-appears-to-get-slapped-in-video-11623174746




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