흑인 최초로 미국 합참의장과 국무장관을 역임 했던 Colin Powell이 18일 코로나바이러스 합병증으로 세상을 떠났다
우리나라 김대중대통령과 노무현대통령때 미국 국무장관으로 일하며 한반도 문제에 깊숙히 관여했기에
한국 사람들에게도 많이 알려져 있는 인물이다
코로나 백신을 접종했지만 혈액암으로 투병을 하고 있던 중이라 코로나로 인한 합병증이 사망의 원이라고 전했다
Mr. Powell을 국무장관으로 임명했던 부시 대통령은 대통령들이 가장 좋아했던 사람이라고 추모 성명을 냈다
Colin Powell, Former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Dies at 84
Colin Powell, who as a retired four-star general and former White House national security adviser went on to serve as the first Black secretary of state, has died at 84.
Colin Powell, Former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Cheifs of Staff, Dies at 84 | ||
단어 | 뜻 | 예문 |
steer | v. 조종하다; 움직이다 | Who helped steer U.S. national security policy in the post-Vietnam era. |
precipitous | adj. 가파른; 급작스러운; 황만한, 황급한 | Mr. Powell advocated against precipitous war but urged the use of overwhelming force when conflict was unavoidable. |
resort | n. 최후의 수단 | War should be a last resort. |
reluctant | adj. 꺼리는, 마지못한, 주저하는 | He became a reluctant advocate for the Iraq war. |
casualties | n. (군사) 사상자 | The use of heavy military force led quickly to victory over Iraqi forces, with few American casualties. |
battalion | n. 대대; 부대 | Mr. Powell arrived in Vietnam a little over three months after one of the units in his battalion massacred hundreds of Vietnamese civilians. |
massacred | v. 대학살하다, n. 대학살; 대패 | |
staunchly | adv. 지조가 있게, 충실하게 | While Mr. Powell staunchly believed in U.S. aims, critics accused him of helping to whitewash U.S. conduct. |
whitewash | n. 눈가림 | |
corrosive | adj. 부식을 일으키는; 좀먹는 | A corrosive careerism had infected the Army; and I was part of it. |
careerism | n. 출세 제일주의 | |
intelligence | n. 기밀, 정보 | The intelligence he cited turned out to be wrong. |
foreboding | n. (불길한) 예감 | His wife Alma felt a sense of foreboding about the presentation. |
blot | n. 얼룩; 오점 | He called the speech a "blot" on his record. |
low profile | 저 자세(인 사람), 삼가는 태도(를 취하는 사람) | Mr. Powell toured the country, help speaking engagements and kept a low profiel. |
endorse | v. 지지하다 | He endorsed Joe Biden for president. |
Donati, Jessica. (2021, October 18). Colin Powell, Former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Dies at 84. The Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/former-secretary-of-state-colin-powell-dies-at-84-11634560862?mod=Searchresults_pos1&page=1